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Jazz Studies

Lee Caplan's Newest Publication

Pitt Jazz Studies PhD student and teaching fellow Lee Caplan's "Jazz Historiography, Eurocentric Philosophy, and the Problem of Hegel and Aristotle" has been published in the January 2022 issue of Jazz Education in Research and Practice. Exploring diverse topics of jazz scholarship and its applications to pedagogy, the journal provides a forum for interaction and exchange between researchers and practitioners grounded in scholarship.

Lee Caplan Lecture and Book Review

PhD student Lee Caplan’s active schedule of writing and lecturing continues this spring. His review of Billie Holiday: Essays on the Artistry and Legacy was recently published in the Jazz Research Journal. In the review, Caplan provides a chapter-by-chapter assessment of this collection of essays, affirming the book’s often fruitful efforts to expand our understanding of Holiday while also providing suggestions for further scholarly inquiry.

Deanna Witkowski Flourishes as Scholar and Performer

PhD student Deanna Witkowski is the recipient of the 2021 Mother Theodore Guerin Research Travel Grant (sponsored by Notre Dame's Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism) for her project, “Writing Friendships: Letter Correspondence Between Jazz Pianist Mary Lou Williams and Women Religious from 1961-1981.” Witkowski initially researched these letters for her fo