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The Department of Music promotes an integrated approach to the study of music grounded in composition/theoryethnomusicologyjazz studies, and musicology. Our innovative and dynamic curriculum enables students to explore music in the broadest terms possible through artistic creative activity, performance, and scholarship. These studies are led by a distinguished faculty of international reputation.

Degree programs are purposefully small, with about 40 graduate students and 50 music majors. Students work closely with the 14 members of our full-time academic faculty. In small classes and seminars, students have the opportunity to express their ideas and enter into challenging discussions with faculty and their fellow students, while in a diversity of ensembles they learn by performing together in both formal and informal settings.

Undergraduate Degrees 

The Department of Music confers a bachelor’s degree and a minor in music. Undergraduates interested in pursuing a major in music choose a course of study from among five tracks, which offer broad foundation in music scholarship while tailoring specific elements of music study to the student’s individual talents and interests. Learn more about our Undergraduate programs.

Graduate Degrees

In a program devoted to music in all its aspects and contexts, the music department awards the graduate degrees of MA and PhD in music. The program comprises the four subdisciplines of music scholarship—ethnomusicologymusicology, and composition and theory, and jazz studies. Learn more about our Graduate programs.
