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Combined Holiday Concert featuring the Treble Choral Ensemble & Pitt Men's Glee Club

Pitt’s Treble Choral Ensemble and the Pitt Men’s Glee Club will come together for a collaborative holiday concert on Saturday, December 9th, at 3 pm. The concert will take place at the historic First Baptist Church on N. Bellefield Ave just beyond the Music Building on campus. I had the opportunity to sit down with Lorraine Milovac and Richard Teaster, the directors of the Treble Choral Ensemble and Men’s Glee Club, to learn more about their time at Pitt, the choirs, and what we can expect on Saturday afternoon.

The Pitt Men’s Glee Club has the distinction of being the oldest extra-curricular organization at the University of Pittsburgh as well as its first collegiate musical ensemble. The school was known as the Western University of Pennsylvania when the ensemble began in 1890 and consisted of just eight members. (Their entire history can be found on their website here) Lorraine’s ensemble, the Treble Choral Ensemble, was founded in 1914. Earlier this year, the ensemble changed its name to the University of Pittsburgh Treble Choral Ensemble (formerly University of Pittsburgh Women’s Choral Ensemble) in keeping with its mission of inclusivity.

This year marks the silver anniversary for both directors, each celebrating their 25th year at the University. When Teaster arrived in 1999, the Glee Club had lacked a steady director for quite some time. He immediately saw the need to re-establish the standard, delving into the archives and discovering their long history of excellence. Lorraine was recruited to the University by John Goldsmith, a legend of Pitt’s music and choral programs. This happened after a performance of Pirates of Penzance at Woodlands Hills High School where she was teaching. At the conclusion of the performance, Goldsmith approached her about directing the ensemble and she thankfully accepted his invitation.

Milovac and Teaster have a similar mindset when it comes to programming a concert, selecting an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary pieces. “The Glee Club could do a Gregorian chant and then turn around and sing a very unorthodox version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” Teaster said, “If it's well-written for a cappella voices, I'll program it.” “As well as educational for the students and entertaining for the audience!” Milovac added. Although both ensembles are student organizations, Lorraine and Richard are exceptional teachers who emphasize the importance of vocal technique alongside learning the music.

Repertoire for their ensembles is not easy to find. While the Glee Club and Treble Choral Ensemble are often singing in four (or more!) part harmony, it is not in the standard soprano/alto/tenor/bass configuration in which most composers are inclined to write. Both Richard and Lorraine invest significant time searching for, and often crafting, the perfect arrangements tailored to their choir's needs - and we will have the pleasure of hearing several of Richard’s arrangements at this upcoming performance. A choir dominated by lower voices can risk muddiness, while one with exclusively high voice parts may lack clarity without careful structuring. Thankfully, drawing on their extensive experience and a shared passion for vocal pedagogy, they consistently discover, teach, and perform absolute gems of the choral world.

This year’s program will feature pieces for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, as well as carols from Austria, France, Spain, and Ukraine. The program also features another student organization, the University Handbell Club. They will be ringing a concert on their own on Saturday, December 2nd in the Lower Lounge of the William Pitt Union, yet another musical opportunity you won’t want to miss!

In my conversation with Lorraine and Richard, it became evident how much they value the student board members and officers within their respective ensembles. Both groups boast students beyond the expected President and VP in leadership positions such as Media Chair, Tour Manager, Social Event Director, Fundraising Coordinator, and Alumni Outreach Coordinator. Lorraine mentioned that upon learning the ensembles would be singing a concert together, their officers promptly connected and organized a social event to get to know one another. She and Richard concurred that when they write letters of recommendation for these student leaders, medical schools and graduate programs are impressed by the dedication and responsibility they have assumed within the group.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 9th at 3 pm and immerse yourself in the magic of this wonderful concert. Join the Pitt Men’s Glee Club and Treble Choral Ensemble for an afternoon of enchanting melodies, cultural diversity, and the joyous spirit of the holiday season. Tickets for the concert are $15 for adults, $10 for children and seniors, and FREE for students with a valid student ID from any university. Tickets available here. Share your excitement about the concert with friends and family, and let's celebrate the season together!