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Bluegrass Ensemble

Bluegrass, a form of American roots music, is an Appalachian-based genre that draws on immigrant traditions, blues, gospel, and folk. Once associated primarily with poorer whites, it has been reclaimed by numerous musicians who have popularized it as a global genre. The popularity of bluegrass in Western Pennsylvania is, in part, a result of the broadening market of audiences and musicians. Pittsburgh's local embrace of bluegrass, however, can be understood as an integral aspect of the city's refashioning. The Bluegrass Ensemble seeks to augment the University of Pittsburgh wold music ensemble program through an emphasis on local music traditions. The ensemble, led by Bryce Rabideau, will draw from students who have some experience with bluegrass instruments, including violin (fiddle), guitar, mandolin, banjo, and dobro. The ensemble performs as a group on campus and makes connections with the folk music revival scenes in Pittsburgh.