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Fresh music from Pittsburgh: March 27, April 1

ALIA MUSICA Pittsburgh presents... ...a trumpet and a harp... Vivaldi and jazz... double reeds and string quartet... a bass clarinet and a suspended cymbal... an insistent tritone and a woodwind chorale Sounds interesting? Well, I'm delighted to write here in the Pitt music blog, and to invite everyone to attend this concerts. Alia Musica is an 'independent' ensemble, but it actually stemmed from Pitt and still features most of Pitt's composition grads. This time we're featuring James Ogburn's PhD graduation piece, a monumental piano concerto (i.e. big news since the times of Mozart!). Matt Gillespie will be playing the piano part, and James will conduct the orchestra. There's also music by Kerrith Livengood, Mark Fromm, Ivan Jimenez, Chris Ruth, Ayo Ogunranti, Ben Harris, myself... And for lovers of more tonal music (aren't we all...), a delightful fresh arrangement by Matt Gillespie: Vivaldi's concerto RV 576, that I'm convinced it's one of Vivaldi's best. But now with vibraphone, clarinet, voice, horn... check it out, it's really worth it! The concerts are at Synod Hall (Craig St. off of 5th), at 8pm, on March 27th (Jimenez, Ogunranti, Harris, Ruth, Livengood) and April 1st (Gillespie, Garcia, Fromm, Ogburn). Tickets are $10 or $15 for the full series. You can buy online at www.alia-musica.org/tickets.html See you there! Federico Garcia, Artistic Director